
Słaba płeć?

Directed by: Krzysztof Lang

Cinema program "Słaba płeć?" in Olsztyn

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Movie poster Słaba płeć?

Runtime: 99 min.
Production: Polska , 2015
Category: comedy
Release Date: 1 January 2016
Distribution: Monolith

Directed by: Krzysztof Lang
Cast: Olga Bołądź, Piotr Adamczyk, Marieta Żukowska

Sophy is attractive, educated and knows what he wants. Hometown turned to the Warsaw corporation and climbs the ladder of success, but to paradise still a long way. Instead of a luxury apartment - studio for a loan, rather than a prestigious job - Uzer with the head of beets, instead of the happy life - pretending to be someone he's not. One day, Sophy include a hard landing. Changeling by the boss loses his job and reputation. This sobering bucket of cold water wakes her with a plastic Korpo-sleep and forced to act. But it's a new Sophy - a strong woman who wants to take from life what she should love, friendship, respect and satisfying work. And by the way punish the former head of a con man and catch handsome specimen of a real man. Fair sex? Seriously?

Average rate: 5.0
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Movie trailer: Słaba płeć?

Your comments

Bb 8. February 2016, 11:12

Lekki miły i przyjemny

H 2. February 2016, 0:21

Niezły jak na polskie kino. Momentami śmieszny.

marcela 25. January 2016, 22:04

Genialny film. Swietnie zagrane role. Duzo prawdy o korporacjach.Wiele smiesznych scen ale i sporo refleksji a nawet i łezka wzruszenia.Zobaczcie, bardzo gorąco polecam

18 stycznia2015 18. January 2016, 9:54

Średni. Płaskie postacie, długo rozwijająca się prosta fabuła.

Baca 13. January 2016, 10:40


MTC 7. January 2016, 20:44

lekki, fajny, warty obejrzenia

zadowolony widz. 6. January 2016, 15:34

Bardzo dobry film.BRAWO.

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